Ice caps are melting

Ice caps are melting and fast. Every day they melt more and more. National Geographic states:

There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. If we continue adding carbon to the atmosphere, we’ll very likely create an ice-free planet, with an average temperature of perhaps 80 degrees Fahrenheit instead of the current 58.

Who would want a world like that? Some animals need the ice. Some species will even go extinct. There are only 22,000 to 31,000 polar bears left on the planet, the average number of animal-not going extinct- in a species is 1 to 2 million that is on average 1,000,000 more animals in a normal size species than polar bears.

Animals aren’t the only ones who are effected, humans also are effected. Greenland is melting too. says:

How long will it take to melt at current rates. So, divide, 2 850 000 by 220 and you get 13000 years. To put it another way, if the rate of ice melt in Greenland accelerates by a factor of 300 and remains at that level for the next 43 years the icecap will finish melting in 2050.

This was posted a few years ago so now it would 31 years!

Some facts are:

  1. Ice melting increases sea level rise
  2. There are 7 trillion pounds of ice melting each year

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