The endangered Indiana Bat

This week we wanted to do something more Halloween-y so we decided to do a blog post on the endangered bat species the Indiana Bat.

Most people don’t like bats here is our argument on that case.

  1. They eat mosquito’s and who likes mosquito bites? Who likes the stinky bug spray you have to use to so you don’t get bit? They eat many other bugs.
  2. Bats are also seed disperses.
  3. Some bats are pollinators.

Bats are amazing creatures and do much, much more.

Now lets talk about the endangered bats species the Indiana bat, here are some facts.

  1. The Indiana bat has been endangered since 1967.
  2. They are as social bats because they cluster together in groups, for hibernation, called “hibernacula”
  3. After hibernation they fly to hardwood forests. (A reason to stop cutting down forests)

The 2005 population estimate is about 457,000 Indiana bats, half as many as when the species was listed as endangered in 1967. Here are some ways to help save ALL endangered bat species.

  1. Reduce pesticides.
  2. Put up a Bat house
  3. Promote Natural bat habitat.

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